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Celebrating 10 Years of Our Beige Stripes Patch Cowhide Rug

Beige Tan Cowhide Patchwork Rug in Stripes

Celebrating 10 Years of Our Beige Stripes Patch Cowhide Rug

This month marks the date for a celebration!

Our Beige Stripes Patchwork Cowhide Rug No. 217 is turning 10 years old, and we are thrilled!

Back when it came out it was conceived as the perfect combination of a full arrange of beige tones.

Through the years we’ve made small changes to the overall style, but the concept remains: a beige rug that covers a whole spectrum of soft, warm and luxurious tones.

Beige Stripes Patchwork Cowhide Rug Corner
Soft, airy, dreamy patches of beige Cowhide

This special design has had it’s moments, but lately, there’s been a resurrection of beige (#BeigeIsTheNewGray). It really is. Beige is totally the new gray.

Out with the cold, neutral grays, in with those warm and sexy, earthy, sandy tones!

Beige Tan Cowhide Patchwork Rug in Stripes Detail
Details all over

Maybe that’s why Taupe is so hot right now, but that’s an entire different conversation!

Back to my topic, the sultry Beige Strips Leather Area Rug that’s got everyone so excited. We’ve done it a million times, and everytime, let me tell you, it’s a work of art.

We start by selecting a group of gorgeous beige hides in many different tones. Next, we cut the Stripes, an approximate amount that exceeds how many we need for a certain size.

A perfect medium beige full hide, an example of our flawless selection

Next up, our leather artisans select the best patches one by one, with clinical eye, as to determine where a certain piece will go, so that a particular piece of the rug doesn’t look too dark, too light, just right and balanced.

Once all these patches are mounted together, the rug goes through the stitching process, rectification, cleaning and finally, the latest quality control.

Beige Stripes Patchwork Cowhide Rug Top View
Perfect composition

As soon as every rug is finished, it is ready to be photographed and sent to its new home, where the love story begins 🙂

We’ve done this hole process so many times, and still, everytime feels like the first.

Beige Stripes Patchwork Cowhide Rug Detail
From Cream to Tan, the whole spectrum

After 10 years of many, many Beige Stripe Rugs, we feel like it’s still growing strong, and we’re not even close of getting tired of it!

See more photos of the Classic Beige Stripes Patchwork Cowhide Rug

And also: Beige Stripes Patchwork Cowhide Rug with Dark Details




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