Shine Rugs

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The Amazing Toto Leather Area Rug

The amazing Toto patchwork cowhide rug by Shine Rugs

The Amazing Toto Leather Area Rug

What a great way to receive the New Year! The Amazing Toto Patchwork Cowhide Rug is here to stay.

The perfect balance between a bold pattern and the delicate off-white and creamy tones of our super high quality hides.

Pattern for the Toto patchwork cowhide rug by Shine Rugs
Pattern for the Toto patchwork cowhide rug by Shine Rugs

Each patch is made using only the best parts of the highest quality hides and then assembled together to get to the chosen size. Our leather artisans are super experienced and know exactly how to spot the best pieces to put together every leather area rug, for a unique piece.

I love to welcome this new year with this beautiful model. Makes me feel hopeful and eager to see what this year holds for each of us!





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