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Custom Project: A Simple Border Change

Custom border on our Black And White Chevron Patchwork Cowhide Rug Design No. 278

Custom Project: A Simple Border Change

I’ll say it again and again: I love custom projects!

When we get a fresh idea from a client we definitely do everything we can to deliver. We did it again!

Ray wanted a simple but very personalized change to his Black and White Chevron Patchwork Cowhide Rug: a custom black and white border.

We started by sketching his idea, putting thoughts on paper is always the best way to avoid any mistakes and misunderstandings between the factory and the client.

Custom border on our Black And White Chevron Patchwork Cowhide Rug Design No. 278
Sketch of Ray’s leather area rug

The main idea was clear: adding a border to this rug in a checkered style: alternating one small white patch and one small black patch on the sides where the Chevron pattern “ended” and adding a simple plain white hair border on the remaining two sides of the rug.

But for this to happen, we needed some calculations!


Custom border on our Black And White Chevron Patchwork Cowhide Rug Design No. 278
Detail of the border

Once we were all on the same page (which this time it was easy as Ray knew exactly what he wanted!), we started selecting the perfect hides for his area rug.

We only work by selecting the best parts of the best and highest quality hides. This way there’s nothing but top-notch hides, guaranteeing not only a beautiful rug, but an amazing and unique work of art.

Custom border on our Black And White Chevron Patchwork Cowhide Rug Design No. 278
Custom border on our Black And White Chevron Patchwork Cowhide Rug Design No. 278

Once all the patches are ready we start the assembling process.

This rug had a combination of long and short hair which always gives a lot of texture. As hair reflects the colors and the light around it, the black and white combo is super rich and deep.

The white hair feeds on the black to appear “whiter” and the same happens to the black patches.

Custom border on our Black And White Chevron Patchwork Cowhide Rug Design No. 278
On the right you can see a close-up of the border

The result of this custom border gave the whole rug a modern and chic look.

Custom border on our Black And White Chevron Patchwork Cowhide Rug Design No. 278
Detail of the custom border

Custom border on our Black And White Chevron Patchwork Cowhide Rug Design No. 278Want to see more Custom Projects? Find them herehere and on our Instagram page 🙂




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