Black and White hides are probably the most average and normal hides around. I mean, when you imagine a cowhide, isn’t that the first thing you think of? Black and White.
Nevertheless, even if they can perceived as normal or average, they are stunning and can lighten up a room, give it a perfect finish, and style your whole space.
I think they are better when they look uneven, when the spots are not perfect and they are not perfectly balanced (like a 50-50 percentage of black and white).
I prefer them with more black, or more white, as this will add a lot of personality to it, making it unique.

Mostly black cowhide rug on a very dark floor. The mix of this hide with the pink jovial walls is everything:

These little spaces comes to life with these cowhide rugs. It just gives them the final touch they needed. I like the amount of white and black, perfect!

Also gorgeous in big and open spaces. Check out how it jumps out when used on a white floor:

Lover of the monochrome? Also looks incredible

This is an example of a salt & pepper cowhide in black and white.

An little detail goes a long way! This perfect pouf gives this room the touch it needed to look modern and stylish:

Modern and a lover of Nordic styles?

The versatility of a black and white cow hide area rug is amazing, not to mention, that a properly tanned hide will last for a lifetime!