Shine Rugs

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Ready: Brown And Gray Leather Area Rug

Ready: Brown And Gray Leather Area Rug

This super special Gray and Brown Patchwork Cowhide Rug Squares Design No. 164 was 100% custom made for a very special client.

She needed the area rug to pull together the whole room she’s working on buy combining the soft warmth of medium and dark gray with the classic and stylish look of brown and iridescent hides.

Custom Patchwork cowhide rug no. 164
The gray and brown tones, up and close!

The result was this massive, spectacular patchwork cowhide rug in 8″ square tiles with a 2″ cow hide border.

There’s a little detail / wink here, the rug doesn’t have a perfect checkered tile layout: we added a double diagonal row of browns to spice it up a bit and make more playful, bold and daring.

Custom Patchwork cowhide rug no. 164 in brown and medium gray natural hide
Our wink: There’s a double diagonal row of brown tiles 😉
Custom Patchwork cowhide rug no. 164 in brown and medium gray natural hide
The stitching becomes almost invisible and smooths the whole look

We worked with her to get to the exact tones she needed, seeing photos of the sofa and some of the furniture to create this gorgeous, show-stopper area rug!

Custom Patchwork cowhide rug no. 164 in brown and medium gray natural hide
Details, soft suede backing and perfect tones





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