Shine Rugs

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Style: Nude and Taupe Patch Cowhide Rug

Nude Style Tones and a Round Taupe Gradient Patchwork Cowhide Rug By Shine Rugs

Style: Nude and Taupe Patch Cowhide Rug

Ranging from soft and light blush and beige to the darkest woody tones, nude is can be a wide and loose definition of a color scheme.
Regardless of the specific tone you might choose or like, it’s always stylish color scheme that brings a sense of tranquility, it gives your surroundings a feeling like you are well planted and know exactly what you want, no playing around. Such a sexy statement, right?
Nude all the way!
We’ve selected some gorgeous items, some are vintage and classic, some are modern and completely new.
The real star of the show here is our Round Gray and Brown Patch Cowhide Rug Squares Design No. 225, made in gray, taupe, beige and brown tones, creating a fantastic and almost incredible gradient towards the center of the rug.
The soft tones of hide in this patch cowhide rug blend perfectly with the rest of the nude tones, giving the whole style a stronger feel, like a foot-down personality.
Get inspired!
Nude Interiors
Nude Interiors
Nude Interiors

Nude Collection of Ceramics
Nude Collection of Ceramics
The HuffPost has some great tips on how to achieve this look, read ’em here: How To Go Nude – In Your Home Decor
And there’re tons of inspiration on Pinterest, of course!
The nude revolution is here to stay!




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