I have covered this issue in a past post about the first things to do when receiving your new leather area rug, but I think some extra information could be helpful.
Maybe you got your rug and you are throwing a party, or having people over, or maybe you are a designer and want to show your clients a perfectly finished home. But oh! the rug has just come out of its package and there are some creases, and it feels like they are never going away…
Don’t worry, they ARE going away. The rug just needs a bit of time to relax and lay flat after being folded. This is completely normal and there are ways to speed up this process.
Here are some ideas on how to help flatten your rug as soon as it arrives, they are very very easy, anyone can do it in just 5 minutes:
Literature And Your Leather Area Rug
I like using piles of books or magazines for an easy fix. You don’t need to go overboard and clear up your whole library, a few books or a couple of magazines will do the trick. You can place them in little piles along the rug or just move the same pile around every few hours.

Rubber Helpers
Got kids? Then you probably have some of those (not) fancy, (nor) good looking rubber playing mats somewhere around the house.
These are awesome to flatten a patchwork cowhide rug. They don’t seem to fit the “heavy object” premise, but they sure do help a ton.
Just place them around the rug, walk on them for a day, and move them around every couple of hours and you’ll see how these (horrible) things work.
Like. A. Charm.
Even when it’s impossible to look at them as a part of your home and every time you see them, you wonder “when will I be able to throw these away?” the rubber mat is an excellent friend!

The Sporty Solution
Training much? Even if the answer is “NO!”, you probably have some dumbbells or ankle weights lying around somewhere.
These are fantastic. Okay, they won’t take up a whole lotta space on your rug as to completely flatten it down in 10 minutes, but they will do wonders flattening down any edges or that particular spot your husband keeps kicking every time he walks by.
Bonus: having these around may just remind you to run off to that Zumba class that’s starting in 20!

These simple fixes will help your leather area rug looking sharp in no time.
Remember to enjoy every step of the way as you get your home ready, beautiful and most of all: lively and lovely! 🙂